Upgrade your 350R to a MISC Expanse with this Cross Chassis Upgrade (CCU)
MISCs Expanse sets the industry standard for entry-level mobile mineral refining. Utilizing a totally self-contained on-board refinery system, the Expanse can accommodate full mineral pods from mining vessels, refining raw ore into readily salable material. Designed specifically to operate in tandem with MISCs ubiquitous Prospector, the Expanse is the perfect compliment to any mining operation.
Upgrade your 350r to an Expanse with this Cross Chassis Upgrade (CCU)
Introducing the MISC Expanse, the single-crew vessel at the heart of both large and small-scale refining operations across the Empire. The Expanses self-contained refinery system makes it the industry standard for accessible vehicular-based mineral processing. Specifically designed to operate in tandem with mining vehicles like the MISC Prospector, the Expanse enhances any serious mining operation by transforming raw-mineral pods into saleable material on the fly.
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